Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab Blog

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Joint Inflamation

Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation

Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into making it all work together, it’s little wonder that joint pain is a big issue in society. Chiropractors treat cases relating to…

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Care After A Car Accident

Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident Car accidents are unexpected and inconvenient. Dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident isn’t on anyone’s schedule. The trauma, dealing with vehicle problems and car insurance reports leads many people to put off looking after their health, especially if they feel fine after. If anything does ache, they…

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Reduce Stress

How Chiropractic Treatments Can Reduce Stress

How Chiropractic Treatments Can Reduce Stress Reducing stress improves overall health. A lot of people know this, but have no idea how to realistically lessen the stress in their lives. People suggest activities like yoga, a healthy diet, exercise, meditation, and journaling. They also commonly suggest working less, more vacations, and reducing stressful activities and…

Chiropractic Raleigh NC TMJ

Chiropractor May Help TMJ

Chiropractor May Help TMJ Among the areas of the body that chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It’s easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can also find relief.…

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Steps to Take After A Car Accident

Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash

Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash One of the most common injuries that people suffer from after an auto accident is whiplash. When a chiropractor books an appointment to see a patient after a car accident, it is often to treat the pain that results from a whiplash injury. Find out how our chiropractic office can help.…

Chiropractic Raleigh NC Neck Pain

Chiropractic Care And Text Neck

Chiropractic Care And Text Neck How many hours a day do you spend with your neck hunched forward as you read on a device? Whether it’s your computer, tablet, or cell phone, this position gives chiropractors nightmares. It may not seem like a major issue, especially if it doesn’t hurt while you’re doing it. However,…